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Wolfson's Story
We found Wolfson about 6 years ago. We received a call from the police at 4 am telling us about a donkey running on the Ayalon Highway near Wolfson junction endangering himself and the passing cars.
We set off straight away, and found him wandering alone, exhausted and scared. As we approached him we could see both his ears had been partially cut off. We don’t know the reason why or how this happened to him, but we presume he had gone through a rough time and it was most likely the result of abuse.
We took Wolfson off the Highway and back to the Susita sanctuary. All the way back Wolfson didn't make a sound, even when we led him off the trailer and into the stables so he could get some food and rest. It seemed as though he didn't believe he was in a safe place. His horrible past experiences made it impossible to trust people. During his first few days in Susita, the other donkeys were slightly intimidated by him because of his ears, and it took some time for him to become a part of the 'gang'.
Wolfson's recovery was short; other than his ears, he wasn't suffering from any other physical injuries and only needed plenty of rest, food and kind treatment.
Wolfson today is a very friendly donkey, he has overcome all the difficulties, getting along well with the rest of the animals and is always happy to be spoiled and hugged by the team at Pegasus.
We are so happy to see a donkey that had gone through so much settling down to a new life of comfort, peace and love just as he deserves.