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Rainbow's Story
It was Friday the 13th of January. Very early in the morning I was startled by the phone. It was the Police, informing me of a road accident which happened near the tomb of Samuel the Prophet.
At dawn, two donkeys walking on the road during a heavy rainstorm with little visibility, were hit by a car. The driver was also injured.
One of the donkeys did not survive the impact and was cleared away by the authorities. The second donkey was lying on the wet roadside, until we were summoned by the police.
When we arrived at the spot and parked by the donkey, the rain was so heavy that we could not hear each other.
We got out, opened the horse trailer and tried to get the donkey to stand up, but he was not able to rise, because of his painful injury and the hypothermiahe was suffering from.
The rain was still coming down hard and we were standing dangerously on the road in a dangerous spot, so we just dragged the donkey into the trailer, covered it with a blanket and took off as quickly as possible.
When we arrived at our facility, we opened the trailer and tried to make the donkey stand up inside it, because outside it was still raining heavily, but the donkey collapsed back each time we moved away from it. We now noticed it was a female.
The vet who arrived shortly after and gave her pain killers but still she could not stand up. We decided to let her rest for a couple of days and reexamine her then.
After two days on pain killers she was looking better and was eating well but still seemed unable to stand up. We summoned the vet to examine her one last time thinking we may have to euthanize. And then, only half an hour before the vet arrived, she suddenly got up, on her own. At that moment the sun also came out and a magnificent rainbow stretched across the horizon. We were stunned.
The vet keeps telling me that donkeys are not horses, they'll surprise you, they overcome stuff.
Today Rainbow — naturally that's what we called her — is getting along nicely. Although she limps a little, she is content and happily roams the grounds – she even chewed on some of our flower and mutilated the trunk of our fig tree.
Rainbow will remain with us as a permanent resident.
And for those who still mistrust "Friday the 13th" — there's the proof right there that even things that happen on such an ominous date can still have a very happy ending.